Burgers By Woody Woodpeckers

Pizza Hamburguesas

Carrer de la Tórtora, 2, Alcúdia, 07400

Recógelo a las 09:20

Nota: Puedes utilizar tus cheques restaurante, siempre y cuando realices tu pago a través de Just Eat (este restaurante no acepta cheques restaurante en formato papel)

Change you chips for jacket potato with butter for only 1.50 euro extra

Change you chips for jacket potato with butter for only 1.50 euro extra

All cooked on our charcoal grill

All served with mushrooms, grilled tomatoes, onion, rings chips and salad

Change you chips for jacket potato with butter for only 1.50 euro extra

Selecciona el producto para poder añadir extras

All with chips, homemade coleslaw and filled with salad

Change you chips for jacket potato with butter for only 1.50 euro extra

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